Ice cream
When we all think of ice cream we all think of summer & hot days at the beach or the song
Ice Cream (I Scream, You Scream, We All Scream for Ice Cream) first published in 1927, with words and music by Howard Johnson
Many people have fond memories of moments associated with ice cream
And some unfortunate ones as well the most common one being when some one drops their ice cream like in Eddie Murphy’s ice cream sketch in Delirious.
This may help us understand the whole love for this simple frozen dish when looking at the global consumption still with the highest quantities per head of population consumed in the colder climates zones compared to advertising always referring to summer time and a day at the beach.
Ice cream when eaten in colder climate jump starts your body into thinking it is colder that it really is warming you up afterwards
It is seen as a reward or an event to look forward to with the most ceremonious version of ice-cream being presented is probably being baked Alaska.
The most common forms of ice are
Shaved ice
Originally using snow also being the oldest and original form of all ,where many cultures adding flavours to it and enjoyed as a festive occasions.
Today it is replicated thanks to freezers allowing it to be served in warmer climates by freezing water and then shaving it finished by drizzling flavoured syrups over the Delicate crystals
Ice cream / Gelato
Frozen churned mass of milk, cream, sugar can be with of without eggs depending on the country
Mix between an ice cream and sorbet, Sherbets not to be confused with the fizzy powder
Are a sorbet containing fats but no eggs. Usually lighter on the pallet and more pure in taste when trying to highlight the fat flavours but containing lower fat ratios than ice-cream with usually a higher sugar content ideal for fresh cheeses or almond milk ices
Sorbets are plant based most commonly fruit but also some vegetables and other plants can make amazing refreshing sorbets. Classically churned with sugar and can be air-rated with egg whites in older recipes.
Traditionally served in between courses in a degustation menu to refresh and clean the palate before the next course.
Granita / Granité
Frozen mass with lower sugar content than a sorbet set into a block and then shaved or scratched
Ice block
As the name suggests a block of ice as simple as a frozen liquid into forms usually on a wooden stick
Formed ice
Parfait, Semi freddo
Ice pearls liquid mass dropped into liquid nitrogen instantly freezing the droplets
Ice rolls liquid mass set and scrape on a -30°c frozen metal plate or stone
Ice confectionary frozen ice cream pralines form usually coated in chocolate
Freeze dried
Invented in the 1970’s for nasa is a finished ice cream that is freeze dried “lyophilised” to make it longer lasting and stable also being lighter due to the removal of the water content.
Turkish ice cream traditionally using snow mixed with fruit extracts & molasses now made with salep and mastic resin
Hot ice creams
Using heat tolerable gels and gums to whip and thicken while heating or heat while set in a frozen form to brûlée.
Fats and fatty acids
dairy, plant oils, animal & plant based Mono- and diglycerides… and more.
Eggs, protein powders…
Pectins, Hydrochlorides, methylcellulose, gelatin…
Resins, Gellan, locust bean, xanthin…
Liquid Glucose or powdered glucose depending on the product powdered glucose or fructose are better used in high acidic or sour flavours like raspberries to add creaminess without diluting the flavour.
Corn starch, Salep, Maltodextrin and other non and modified starches…
Like Lecithin, Sucroester…
Ice crystals
The smaller the ice crystal and the airier the mass creates a better mouth feeling while eating helping with the melting on the tongue and release of flavour and reducing the grainy texture of lager ice crystals.
Fast freezing usual liquid nitrogen or dry ice during the churning / whipping stage forming smaller ice crystals with an added bonus from the dry ice releasing the CO2 in the masses creating a airier lighter texture.
Stabilisers inhibiting the forming of larger grainy ice crystals when using combinations like gels & papain aiding in the distribution of ice crystal growth.